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AP Club Future

AP Club Future

Matthew Griffiths31 Jul 2014 - 14:41
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Latest news from Parish Council

I promised to keep you up to date with the campaign to purchase the former AP club site for the community.

Following the public consultation and the overwhelming positive support from the community, the Parish Council has unanimously agreed to put in a bid to Sanofi to purchase the former AP Club site on behalf of the community and to secure a government loan to fund the purchase. The bid was submitted to Sanofi on 24th July and we now await a formal response, which we do not expect before September at the earliest.

We have also received formal government permission to borrow the required sum to purchase and refurbish the site should Sanofi accept our bid.

We will keep continue to keep you updated on progress and thank you for your continued support.

In the meantime the Project Team will continue to work on the development of a detailed 5 year plan for the running of a Community Sports & Leisure facility


Steve Ranger

Further reading